I am catching up with posting online my articles. I moved to a new place and I was without fixed internet access for almost a month. I was also very busy with work and that is why I got this big delay with posting online. Though I did not skip a single day with writing my articles.
I know that there are many people who have been abused by Movistar and other corporations and they are angry about it. And in that anger they want to take a revenge on these corporations in some way.
But you know what... ? As I said previously getting angry and trying to fight the big corporations ends up almost always in fiasco because they are well protected by its lawyers and this makes it almost impossible for you to win even if you are right.
I know that this is a little bit off topic but this is very similar to the angry demonstrators trying to fight the government. The government is a system structure, which is very well protected and if you try to attack them you will have to face police, army and almost always you will lose. It doesn't matter that you are right. Your emotions will lose in the confrontation with the army and there is also a high possibility that you will be hurt or even killed. On top of this ( if you don't get killed ) you will be the one to be imprisoned and penalized for "disturbing public peace" while the government and the army, which are responsible for the whole abuse in the first place which provoked you to get angry and then demonstrate will come out of this whole confrontation literally without even "a single scratch".
Most of the demonstrations are not effective because people try to fight the machine ( system, government, army, police etc. ) with the emotions. If we would like to win and change the situation ( current system ) we must not allow ourselves to get emotional because then we become blind and irrational. Thus we must stay calm. We must be patient and determined. We may not accept half way solutions. We must not allow ourselves to become provoked into fight with the police and soldiers. You should know that the government, police and army use this strategy to justify their violent and brutal intervention to break down the demonstrations which could be dangerous for the government. By saying dangerous I mean exposing the truth of control and manipulation and abuse committed by the government.
And the same applies to the corporations. I do not recommend that you fight with them with your emotions. This is not effective and on top of this you may lose yourself within it. And once you lose yourself you will also lose the case because then you will become like the corporations which you were trying to fight because they abused you. Thus I recommend to look solutions which are best for all and try to avoid acting based on emotions.