I am catching up with posting online my articles. I moved to a new place and I was without fixed internet access for almost a month. I was also very busy with work and that is why I got this big delay with posting online. Though I did not skip a single day with writing my articles.
...but at the same time we must take into consideration that my friend has missed something about the law of attraction.
Thus what could possibly miss my friend within the law of attraction ?
Well... according to my observation my friend has missed, forgot and ignored completely the law of polarities. So, the positive cannot exist without the negative and thus if you try to create and manifest the positive then you will automatically create the negative somewhere.
Now here are further explanations of it. There was a period of time when a person focusing on the attraction of the positive did not see the consequences of the creating automatically the negative because this negative did not manifest itself in the life of this person but instead it was manifested in the life of other people. How was it possible ? Well... everything and everybody is connected in this reality that we live in and thus if somebody focuses on creating and attracting the positive then the law of polarities was balancing itself by manifesting the negative in the life of another person/-s. Thus one person could enjoy the positive while another person was suffering the negative to balance the law of polarities. And in this way one person could "enjoy" whole life experiencing the positive without being held responsible for the negative which s/he has created through creating positive.
Now... the mechanism of balancing polarities on the global scale within the humanity still exists and we can see it very easy - the rich are richer and the poor are poorer - but I have also found out from investigating the material of Desteni Group that there has been change in the universe and in the "dimensions" so that every person can see for themselves and experience directly the consequences of the participation in the law of polarities. And thus now a person will also be facing directly the negative so that s/he may see immediately what he is doing to himself and the whole humanity.
And thus this would explain to me why my friend was facing and living so many negative experiences in his life in the last couple of years. The only thing is that my friend still doesn't see it and still insists that the positive thinking and the law of attraction is working and that it is good for him.
To be continued...