I am catching up with posting online my articles. I moved to a new place and I was without fixed internet access for almost a month. I was also very busy with work and that is why I got this big delay with posting online. Though I did not skip a single day with writing my articles.
As I said at the end of the previous article everybody is where s/he is now as a result of the past experiences and my friend is no different to anybody. It is true that in a sense my friend has given certain direction to the events and situations, which happened to him ( obviously not all of them ) but I am asking myself: "why the hell did he have to go through all the shit that happened to him ?". Because according to the law of attraction all we need to do is focus our attention and positive energy on our goals and the universe will manifest it for us.
My friend when he studied about the law of attraction and then applied in action did not imagine all that shit that happened to him but yet it came to him in such a way that we could call him the unluckiest guy in the world. Yes... it was to that degree that other people ( including his own family overseas ) listening to his story thought that he invents it because it seemed so unreal.
Anyway... interesting within it is that my friend insists all the time that thanks to all these failures and thanks to all the shit that happened to him he is where he is right in this moment and he can enjoy the positive experience "in which" he is right now. He doesn't question the law of attraction and he insists that it works despite all the failures. Well... we will see in the future how it all works and whether he is capable of creating and attracting the positive experiences into his life and don't manifest the bad ones. Time will show if this is true. You know... there is a certain possibility that he released the mind programs which were manifesting all that shit in his life and it will not manifest itself in his life anymore but at the same time we must take into consideration that my friend has missed something about the law of attraction.
To be continued...