Some time ago I have written article about the situation when I saw a police passing by and in that moment I became aware of the thought that I would like to be like superman. You can read about it here:
I knew that this short experience was very important but I didn't know how to interpret it in that moment. But today I have more clarity about it and these are my realisations about it...
Thorough the desire to be powerful like supermen so that I could push away and protect myself from me those who could hurt me ( e.g. police ) I want to be more than the system and above the system. And in this I am creating separation.
How ?
It is clear to me now that by wanting to be stronger then the system and untouchable by the system I am stating that I am not responsible for the creation of the system and that I am not part of it. I have already written on many occasions that this world and this current system is creation of all of us in its totality. There is a lot of suffering and abuse in this system but it is me and you who have created, accepted and allowed it through either direct creation and/or by passive allowance. And thus when I desire to be like superman who is untouchable to the system I state that this is not me who has created it, I am not responsible for it, I don't have to do anything to stop it and change it. And all I want to do is to be powerful so that the system cannot hurt me.
Can you also see the separation within it ?
So what is the solution and correction within that for me and for you if you have similar type of thoughts and desires ?
First of all stop the thoughts and desires to be like a superman - as I said in the previous article - is just a fantasy. And as a next step investigate what can be practically done by you to stop your participation in the creation of the current system of suffering and abuse and then create a new system which would be best for all life on Earth. We are able to do it and you will see that once you start to see that you can change things by yourself the desire to be a superman will disappear from your mind... unless you have some other hidden desires behind it... like impressing pretty women with your incredible powers... lol.
P.S. You may find more information about how to practically stop participation in the creation of this current system by doing the Desteni I Process Course.
To be continued...