My article yesterday was about the purpose for having the king and the queen in the modern society with the indication of mine that the royal family is not necessary and it costs us lots money to maintain with no real benefit in exchange.
But what would the king or the queen think about my article if they read it ?
Interesting question... isn't it ? I pretty much know the answer already and their most possible behaviour which is easy to predict. First of all they would not take me seriously, probably would laugh at me and would describe me as somebody crazy with utopian ideas and even worthy to talk to. They don't consider me as a threat to them whatsoever and thus they would laugh at me without any serious consequences for me. But the story would be different if I had any kind of power so that I could in some way implement my utopian ideas in real life and this would mean that I would stop the money support for the royal family and I would try to make them equal with the rest of society.
Making them equal with the rest of the society would mean that they would have to look for a job and literally struggle for the survival like majority of people in this world. But his would not be the worst ! The worst would be that through my actions I would threaten and challenge strongly their ego. The king, queen, princes and the princesses believe and take for granted very often that they are very special ( the blood roots etc. ). Believing that they are very special is like the filter in front of their eyes ( I write quite often about this invisible energetic filter made up within the mind that makes us blind ) and thus they accept everything as completely normal and they don't question at all the whole situation.
Thus... the king has defined himself in his mind as the king, someone special and for him it is normal to be treated in special way because he deserves it. By the way he thinks that it was given from god or something like this. But in reality this is just an illusion like many others in this world and the king has a big ego and whenever it comes to challenging the ego we have a lot of friction, tension and war as a way to defend the ego and divert the attention from the reality. And this is usually the worst.
So... the king would most probably laugh at me if he read his article and he would think about me as somebody crazy. But he moment he would start to see and feel that I am serious about it and I have resources and power to implement in real life my ideas, he would be extremely pissed off and angry with me. It is normal type of reactions of people who have defined themselves as ego and try to defend this ego and don't want to let it go and face the reality. We will have to deal with this type of reaction in the future very often and only from the king but from majority of people in this world because majority of the people in this world have ego and don't want to let it go in peaceful way but want to defend it with force and violence.
To be continued...