HTF is this possible at all ? World economies are still in crisis, we have extremely high unemployment while the companies listed on stock exchange are blooming.
Don't you think that something is really fucked up here ?
The answer to this parody is simple... the companies make more profits at the cost of the poor. They have become more efficient in reducing their costs and sucking dry the poorest one and making huge profits. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
So what is going to happen now ? What are these companies going to do with this extra profit ?
It is obvious that they will not give the money back to the poor for free but they will continue to reinvest this money in such a way so that these companies can make more profit in the future and that means that we can expect that they will squeeze even tighter the people who are already poor ( dry ) and really struggle to survive.
This is not a nice future ahead of us but unless we ( people ) unite and do something about it, this is what is going to happen with us. You may pray to god and hope that this will not happen to you but this is silly because this is completely out of the hands of god. He has nothing to say when it comes to the money, Federal Reserve, Central Banking System etc. God is completely helpless in this situation. Otherwise he would not let the crisis go that far and let so many people bankrupt. There were many people before you who prayed sincerely and were going to the church every week and they are not in this world anymore because they didn't have money for food, house and medicine.
Stop wasting time on prayers and donation to the riches and instead do something practically to change this disastrous situation - EQUAL MONEY SYSTEM.