A video of Syrian rebel commander eating his enemy heart has been shown today on internet. Normally this kind of images and videos would not be allowed to show to the public but we live in the times when we have easy access to media and internet and we can post pretty much anything without censoring - at least to some point. Obviously the video has been widely condemned and the commander will be put on trial for war crimes whenever possible.
Now... let's have a look at it closer. Obviously the first reaction of people hearing this story is of shock, disgust, condemnation etc. But stop for a second and ask yourself some questions. This is war and people are getting killed in a brutal way. If you were there and somebody has killed your family, you would try out of despair and hatred to find the killer and take the revenge. And in the state of the emotional anger you would not care about what is moral and what is no; you would not care about the human rights and the law; you would do it in such a way which would cause the most pain to the person who killed you family. This is very possible type of reaction of a human and you are no different than the Syrian commander. But the difference is that you are sitting at home, watching tv and you feel safe because you are far away from the war zone. And while you watch or read the news you go into the judgment.
And how about you finally wake up, you start asking yourself questions and do something to stop and prevent the war in Syria. You say that this is impossible. Yes and no. You cannot make it stop instantaneously but I am sure that you can do something about it. Your belief that you cannot do anything about it prevents you from considering what can be practically done and what not. You only judge the commander and that is it. I am not approving what the commander did but I am asking you that you start asking yourself questions.
And what about if the video is false and it has been made up by the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad ? Today it is easy to make up this kind of videos which seem to be very realistic. And one thing that I see in the major news channels, is the kind of wording which is being used to described: "...video which cannot be independently authenticated, seems to show...". And obviously the goal if this kind of video is to shift a support for rebels which they have from people from around the world. I am not justifying the action of the commander but at the same time we cannot be sure what is true and what is not because the official media channels are strictly controlled and censored with the intentions to manipulate society.
The war is really fucked up. The country is being destroyed, people suffer and they are being killed brutally. It is like Boston bombing every day. And it could have been easily prevented and stopped by Equal Money System.