This is not the first time when I ask myself a question: "what would our world be like if the alcohol was prohibited ?". And this question comes from observations when I go to a bar or a restaurant.
Myself I don't drink alcohol at all so I order water or juice or coffee but then I am sitting there I sometimes speak with the owners and they tell that their business is going good or bad. You know... the usual stuff. This is their business and they would like that it is prosperous because this is how they earn their life and can pay their invoices but at the same time their prosperity depends literally on the suffering of others. Of course hardly anybody looks at it from this perspective but in the end this is the fact - the more alcohol they sell the more money they have. Or we could also say it a little bit differently - the more people get drunk and wasted the more will the owners benefit from it. Thus we have the principle of somebody gaining benefit at the cost ( suffering ) of others - very typical for capitalism.
Thus... what would happen if the alcohol became prohibited by law ?
Have you ever thought about it ? This would be something big... very big... Look... all of the restaurants, bars, supermarkets and factories of alcohol would be affected by this law and they would have to be closed.
Think about it a little bit and we will continue in the next article tomorrow.
To be continued...