Anything that is not based on the principle of equality and best for all is based on the principle of ego and what is best for me. And that means that if something is best for me only ( and maybe my family or certain group of people ) then we have a winner ( me ) and a looser ( somebody else ).
Now... everything that is based on this principle of ego will get you sooner or later to the point when you will regret that you have not lived according to the principle of what is based for all. You may suppress this point of regret and it may seem to you that you are not subject to it because you don't feel it and you see around that others also are not being "punished" because of it but eventually it will get you. And I am not talking about somebody out there like god, devil or whoever who will get you and punish you. You will know when the suppression comes to the surface and it will be so strong that you cannot suppress it anymore and it will drive you insane. It will be you who will see it, feel it and be it. Your whole being will be this regret. And there will be no escape from it anymore. You will have to face.
Now... to get to this point of facing the consequences of the principle of what is best for me only will come to you sooner or later as I said before. Although the sooner is much, much better but in reality it may take a long, long time before a being gets there. Our world has been constructed on the principle of what is best for me over eons of time and now we can see the consequences of it. We have been suppressing this point for a very long time hoping that we will be able to escape facing the consequences of it into infinity. But this is not possible. But let's leave the eons of times and let's focus on the now.
It would be much better for everybody to get as soon as possibly to the point of regret and realization that the principle of what is best for me is not the way to go because it is an abuse and it creates suffering. And you are responsible for it.
I have realized it thanks to my recent experiences when I have not applied the principle of what is based for because I didn't want to loose my partner, I didn't want to hurt my family and instead I was hoping that they will understand it soon. And I have put on hold the principle of what is best for all. And in the end I see that my decision about putting on hold the principle of what is best for all and waiting for others to understand it, has not helped anybody and has created a lot of turbulences in my life which affected my financial stability and my effectiveness of functioning within the system, which means that I was not able to work effectively towards changing the system. And I can see that my participation within Desteni Group is much lesser then I used to be. I am making my way to get there again when I could be much more effective but it takes time and a lot of effort. Apart from this I am left without my family and without my partner - the point which I wanted to prevent through putting on hold the principle of what is best for all.
And now I am at the point of regret. I want to make it clear that I will not dwell too much on this feeling of regret and I will not allow myself to fall into the depression. I understand it now, I forgive myself, I learn from it and I apply the correction.
Now... this is my realization from my experiences. Although the principle of what is best for all is simple, genius and the only way to go if we want to have a better life on this planet, not everybody can understand and comprehend it easy and instantaneously. It is a process and people will need time to get there. Some will need more time and others less but in the end it is a process which takes time. Within this my strategy of putting on hold the principle of what is best for all and waiting for my partner/family/friends and hoping that they will understand it and we will not have to separate/divorce is not effective. Putting on hold the principle of what is best for all has created turbulences in my life which decreased my effectiveness within the system and through this has prolonged the whole process ( and through this also suffering and abuse ) for all. This incredible "love" was not enough to keep us (family/friends/partner ) together and make the way through the turbulences together. And it was not enough because this love was based on the principle of what is based for me ( ego ) instead of what is best for us ( all ).
And thus the guiding point for me from now on is to apply the principle of what is best for all, to all people without any exemptions - including my family and those who "love" me. It doesn't matter that they get pissed off with me and get angry with me. No hoping. No wishing. It is black or white. It is best for all or it is not.