In the last 2 days there was a big storm with a lot of rain. There was some damage caused by it but well... this happens. Today the storm was finally over and the sun was shining again. And it was amazing to see the nature. The trees, the plants, the rocks and everything has been "washed" and cleaned. Everything was still wet and the rocks were reflecting the sun and they were shining which was very cool. Were I was there was about 15 degrees and sunny but in the distance I could see the peak of almost 4000 m high mountain which was covered in snow. This was also cool.
On my way to work I have stopped my car because I have seen the cascading waterfalls. This doesn't happen too often because we don't have much rain in here. But this time there was a lot of rain and the porous volcanic mountains have filled up with the water which was escaping now forming cool waterfalls. I was in a hurry for the appointment with my client but still I have stopped my car. It was so amazing to see it. And have even send message to my client telling him that I will be late because I wanted to see the waterfall a little bit longer. And I don't know how much longer the waterfall is going to be there.
Then further on my way I have seen other people stopping by and looking at the waterfalls and maybe even haveing a "shower". It was easy to say that they have enjoyed it as much I was.
And I have asked myself the question: "If we enjoy so much being in the nature why don't we stop destroying it and why don't we take more care of it ?".