I am not here to judge other people about their spiritual or religious beliefs. But there is one point that I would like to discuss. Pretty much all of the religions and spirituality are talking about love and peace. But how come the people who preach it are able to be at the same time angry and violent monsters and they don't see it. Or maybe they see it but they pretty much always find a justifiable excuse like: "...because somebody else has pissed me off"... "...and I have warned them not just one time but I have warned them 3 times"... etc.
Based on the experiences with my friend who got angry at me in few days ago I have realized that these people don't understand one very important point about being co-creator with other people of the experiences which they refer to "pissing me off". Through not understanding this point and not taking the absolute responsibility for it these people go into the mode of being a victim and out of self defense they are exploding in anger and doing things which are opposite to the love which they preach. But of course they don't see it that way and for them this is normal behavior because of the energetic filter in front of their eyes which by the way they have also created and allowed to be there.
This is so simple yet difficult to comprehend for many people - actually big majority of people on this Earth. And that's why our planet is in the state as it is. And it is not full of love although so many people preach it.
To be continued...