How is it that you have fallen into addiction so many times and you know with clarity and certainty the results and the consequences of it but still you are letting yourself to fall another time and another time and another time...? And the results of it are always the same... well... not really... it gets actually ever worse !!!
What is overriding the common sense and logic within you ?
Is it not the proof that you are not in control of yourself ?
Is this not a clear indication that something is controlling you ?
Thus how can you believe that you have free choice ? You have no free choice at all. And it is not about the conspiracy theories according to which somebody is trying to control you and manipulate you. It is about something inside of you that controls you and leads you to fall into addiction which destroys you.
Can you see it ?
Maybe you can but still you fall again...
Thus... are you going to commit yourself to find out who and/or what it is that controls you ? Or you will invent a belief and an excuse that it is not possible to change it and you will allow to be controlled for the rest of your life until you will get destroyed by it ?