This is the continuation of the previous article:
How to manage this type of conflict ?
It is better to immediately stop trying to prove that your point is right. Thus stop any kind of discussions, angry comments, making plans in your mind about your next discussion, fights, wars etc. Stop giving your energy to it. You were not abut to convince the other person until now and it is little possible that you will be able to do it now or next time when you meet. Apart from this you must know that you are participating in the polarity of the mind and thus the more energy you give to it, the more energy will be generated of the opposite and there will be only more friction and you will not get anywhere close to the constructive solution.
Apart from this it would be recommended to really have a closer look at the topic of conflict and see if you really know everything about it. Make sure that your point of view about the subject of discussion is not subjective and influenced by your mind ( just like in the story about the object at which shines the sun and changes how people see it from there place ).
Then also take everything towards you and try to find out what is this whole situation telling you about yourself because almost always ( if not always ) people miss this point about realizing that the whole situation is reflecting ( the law of the mirror ) back to self what self has created and allowed. Thus instead of trying to prove your point and teach others, have a look what you are trying to teach yourself through this whole conflict. Usually at first it is difficult to see it but if you practice you will be able to identify the points that you would normally miss in this type of discussions.
To be continued...