![Destroying my own house](img7yrs/img_day300.jpg)
Now... this one person has a bigger room. But he sees that he is not completely "happy" and not all of his desires are fully satisfied and fulfilled so he decides to extend his room even more. He starts the construction to extend his room. And the same as last time he uses first the resources that he has within his own room and because that is not enough then he starts to take bricks out if the walls of other rooms and the whole house.
The whole project creates more inconvenience to the whole community not only because of the inconvenience but also because that person has weakened the foundations and the walls of the whole house. But people don't do anything about it and only talk about it quietly among them without confronting the whole situation with the person form the big room. After some time people get used to the new situation and take it as normal.
The situation repeats itself time after time. This one person has ever bigger room, more luxuries and he has become more "powerful". At least this is what he thinks about himself and what other people think about him. In reality and in essence he is the same person - like everybody else - but people have created a belief within their mind that this is a reality and cannot be changed. And this belief stops people from acting and restoring the balance. The one person thinks that he is powerful and that he can do anything that he wants. But within that he doesn't realize one thing. His desire to have a bigger room is a desire of his ego and doesn't take into consideration the best interest of all. At the same time he weakens the foundation of the whole house and at some points the whole house will fall apart including his huge and luxury room.
I guess you have realized by now that the story about the house refers to the situation of humanity on planet earth. We have group of people who make their rooms big and luxury at the cost of others and destroy the balance on the whole planet. And we have the majority who suffers but doesn't do enough to change it because they believe that they are powerless.
Anyway the point of this article was to show that through our egoistic desires we make life for other more difficult and we destroy our whole house ( earth ) and this will not go without consequences because there comes a moment when the whole planet will not be able to sustain life anymore.