Why is it that the doctors are getting paid so much money while the natural practitioners are not ?
I have been asking myself this question already for a very long time especially because I have been investigating, studying and practicing the natural medicine myself. The answer to this question is actually very simple and it doesn't really require much explanation. But let's have a look at this point in this article.
The doctors are getting paid so much money because they are doing the healing for the people and they are very effective in treating and suppressing the symptoms. It is not really the healing but at least this is something that looks like health. And this is what people desire desperately and are ready to pay all the money that they have.
On the contrary the practitioner is focusing on investigating the patient holistically and he looks at the life of the person. And apart from prescribing some medicine he is also giving advice on where and how the person must apply the correction so that the balance and real health is achieved. This approach is usually much slower and requires a lot of patience and self discipline but it is usually much more effective.
And this is one of the main reasons why the doctors and healers are getting paid more and less respectively. The first one is doing all the treatment for the patients and is dealing with the symptoms relatively quickly. The other one gives the advice and assist the person but the whole correction must be made by the person himself.
Now... why we choose this kind of approach to health is completely different story and I will try to address it in my articles in the future.