I didn't have access to internet in the last few days and I need to post the other articles first. Thus I am posting my article today. In reality it
is letting myself go into the postponement character and this article is about that.
Anyway... I can see for myself the whole pattern ahead of me. I am present and I am aware of it. And I can correct it right now and prevent for myself all that shit that could happen in the future as a consequence of it. It is my choice... isn't it ? If you meet me one day in the future and I play the victim ( because I have not dealt with my pattern and I have let it develop further in my life ), than show me this article. Maybe it will help me to open my eyes and realize that I am responsible for all of my problems in my life in the future. But don't be surprised if I get angry at you, I start shouting at you saying that I have no time because I have many things to do. It is all part of being possessed by this pattern, not wanting to find the solution to it and finding all sorts of excuses and justifications.
Now... another important point within it. Not dealing with the things in the moment and leaving them for later will somehow also be reflected in my physical body. And this will mean that most probably my body will start to grow more fat because the function of the fat tissue is to store things for later. Can you see it ? At the moment I am quite fit but if you see me fat in the future then try to do your best ( even though I will try to ignore you and get angry at you ) to show me this article. Maybe it will help me to open my eyes.
Of course I will probably try all sorts of different diets and exercises which will help for some time but it will never give me long term solution. The special pills and medicine to burn the fat in my body will give me quick results but at the same time they will fuck up my body so much that I will get seriously sick sooner or later after taking them and I will feel the consequences of it for a long time ( if I survive at all ). It all depends how stubborn and stupid I will be in resisting the truth and instead I will insist on dealing with the symptoms and fight against my body accumulating fat instead of working with the real cause of the problem.
Another point... Even though I will start to deal with the cause of the problem, it doesn't mean that all of the problems will disappear magically from my life. No, no, no... For sure the things will get better but it will take some time before I will free myself from the pattern. We live in the physical world and everything takes time thus I will have to walk through the consequences of my creations for some time. It is a process and the length of that process will depend on how long I have been leaving the pattern in my life and how effective I am in working with the self-application of taking self-responsibility and applying the correction because most probably I will have resistance towards it.
It is being said that the process of disengaging very strong pattern takes at least 7 years and this is why we are doing the 7 years process within the Desteni Group. But of course this is only true if I am effective with the self-application. Otherwise it will take more time.
Is it worth to spend so much time to work with the patterns ?
Yes... it is. But you will only start value and appreciate it once you start doing it and freeing yourself from it. It is not easy but as I said it is worth.
P.S. WOW... I thought that this article is going to be short ( like 1 or 2 paragraphs ) but in the end it is quite long. But there are very important realizations within it for me. Cool stuff !!!
To be continued...