![Establishing communication with my body through sickness - Being gentle with myself](img7yrs/img_day275.jpg)
I didn't have access to internet in the last few days and I need to post the other articles first. Thus I am posting my article today.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
Thus let's have a look at my case and how I am going to work with establishing the communication with my body. I have found myself in a situation when I got sick and it is something that has been existent within me for very long time and it is now manifesting itself on my body. It has been diagnosed by the doctors as en eczema.
This condition like any other can be treated with medicine and special creams ( for the moment I have decided not to do it and only follow the natural medicine ) but my question is: "what is behind it all ?", "why has it manifested on my skin and my body?", "what is the reason for it ?" etc.
Now... one thing is clear for me... my body is telling me something. But the problem is that I don't see clearly the answers and I don't know what my body is telling me. Thus it is obvious that I have not established an effective communication with my body.
So where do I go from there ? I start to have nasty looking changes on my body and my skin is itching like a hell. So I was scratching my skin to help myself with it. But unfortunately this was not helping much - not for long, just in the moment when I was scratching it. And one day I have become really frustrated that it doesn't go away and I started to scratch my foot very strong and fast. Opp... I have damaged the skin and I have opened the wound. This was not the way to go. The next day I was lying in bed and I thought that this is not the way to go and maybe I should try the opposite - a gentle touch on my skin. It was helping me to cope with the itchiness and it was not damaging my skin. And so it was the first step in establishing the communication with my body which was telling me to be gentle with my body and of course with myself in general.
And from there has come another important realization...
To be continued...