I didn't have access to internet yesterday thus I am posting my article today.
I saw today 2 policemen walking into the coffee shop and I have caught myself having a thought about them: "assholes". And then I started to look at it and I have asked myself a question: "...Greg... but why do you call them assholes ?".
It is the result of my personal experiences with policemen which I have defined as negative together with the stories that I have heard from other people about corrupted policemen. Apart from this I have pictures in my mind of policemen beating up the demonstrators etc. And all of this brought me to the point when I have judged the 2 policemen entering the coffee shop as assholes.
But what about if these policemen were not assholes ? What about if they have never hurt anybody ? What about if they have saved and helped many people ?
And here comes a question: "Do I have right to judge every policeman as assholes without knowing them personally and what they do and how they are ?".
And the straight forward answer is: "NO".
Anyway this experience or this short moment with this one thought shows me that I have a program in my mind: "when I see the policeman, it comes a thought within my mind: asshole". Yes... it is an automated reaction ( program ) which is being executed automatically with the trigger
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge the policeman as an asshole which is based on my past experiences and the stories which I have heard from other people; within that I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that I have allowed myself to become an automated robot which is being directed by a program which tells me to judge the policeman as asshole when I see him without even knowing the facts about the policeman that I am seeing.
When and as I see myself judging the policeman, I stop and I breathe. I realize that I have allowed myself to be directed by a program within my mind and my reaction is an automated response to that program. Thus I stop and I deal with what is here in the moment.