Thus the day has come but the prophecy has not. It is the 21st of Dec, 2012 - the day when there was supposed to come the end of the world. There is no apocalypse, no earthquakes, no tsunamis, no aliens, no collision with the meteor, no Nibiru/Planet X, no ascension, no coming of Jesus/god - it has been a hoax, a lie.
So what are you going to do now ?
Do you still have hope that somebody/something will come and make the change/transformation in an instant on Earth and you will be living in a paradise full of unconditional love, light, abundance, joy, happiness etc. ? You are here as you were yesterday. You have to face the same shit as yesterday. You may pretend that life is beautiful but in reality you know that you are living in the shit hole where you can trust hardly anybody because most of the people that surround you are ready to sell you for a piece of paper with the numbers on it. Thus everything is the same as it was yesterday but now you have ( should have ) no more hope that somebody/something will make the miracle. Can you see it ? You are alone stuck in the shit hole. Your god has not come to help/save you.
Thus if your god has not come to help you, then you have to continue living here the way it was before. And if you don't like it then you have to change it yourself. You wished that somebody comes and does the job for you because you have already realized that a lot needs to be done because the mess on Earth is enormous and you feel overwhelmed and discouraged. But if there is no god to help you then you have to do it yourself anyway... don't you ?... Thus if you feel overwhelmed, then maybe you should join others who are already doing it ( DESTENI GROUP ) and together in the group we will get there quicker and easier. It is simple logic and common sense because there is nothing else left. The hope in miracle is gone and thanks to the hoax about the apocalypse on Dec 21st, 2012 we are left only with the logic. And with this common sense coupled with hard work done by yourself ( and maybe with others who have also already awaken to this realization ) we will be able to achieve much more then the almighty god, aliens, Galactic Federation of Light, Jesus, energies of the galactic equator, Annunaki etc. who have not turned up on the ascension day.
I am glad that the 21-12-2012 is over because now the 2 decades of bullshit are over.