So how is it going ? There are only 6 days left to the end of the Mayan calendar and the end of the world or shift into next dimension. Are you still waiting for it or you start to realize that nothing will happen and you will have to go to work and pay your bills on the 22nd of Dec as usual ?
Of course you will be able to pay your bills if you have not spent all the money that you had on all the earthly pleasures for the last time before the end. I have heard a story about the guy who has sold his house and decided to travel to Paris and other cities that were supposed to be destroyed - according to the predictions - during the catastrophic events of the 21st of Dec. I also know about people who have decided not to work anymore some months before the famous date and they have used up their savings. And what about those who have decided to have a lot of sex and now they discover that they have got AIDS or other STD ? They thought that it doesn't matter to be cautious because they have expected the end of the world and now it looks like they have created the end of their personal world for themselves.
And there are may other weird stories but they will come on the surface with the time when people start to share openly about their experiences once they get over their feeling of shame of what they have done as a result of accepting blindly the belief about the end of the world.
So what now ?
Are you going to find yourself another date in the future and wait for it ?
Or are going to realize the stupidity behind it and you start to realize that you should do something or otherwise we will bring the end to this world ourselves through the destruction of nature, pollution, wars etc ? This is our reality and the direction towards which humanity is heading. You'd better do something about it and a good way to start would be working with the team of Equal Money System.