I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that "looking at the other side of the fence" and wanting to get new the partner is my way to escape from taking responsibility for the problems within my relationship and changing them; within this I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that by running away from taking the responsibility for the problems I am only creating a time deferral because I will recreate the same problems in the future with another partner unless I change the cause of it which is within me.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that my partner is responsible for all the problems within our relationship without realizing that blaming my partner for it is my form of running away from taking responsibility for the problems and changing them myself.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that looking at "the other side of the fence" because I am not happy with my current partner is because I have allowed the accumulation of the problems within our relationship and solving them seems to be difficult and thus it seems that it would be easier to change the partner rather then solve the problems; within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the accumulation of problems within my relationship instead of solving them in the moment when I become aware of them.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that if I don't solve and correct the problems in the moment when they appear then I am allowing a situation when I will be forced to deal with many problems at a time when they accumulate and affect me and my relationship at the same time which makes it more difficult to deal with.
When and as I see myself looking at "the other side of the fence" and desiring to have such a wonderful relationship as others do ( seem to have ) I stop and I breathe; I realize that I have accepted and allowed accumulation of problems within my relationship and it seems that it would be easier to change the partner rather then working on solving the problems; thus I stop and I start to investigate how I can practically and effectively work on solving the problems within my relationship.
When and as I see myself looking at "the other side of the fence" and projecting that other persons would be better partners then my current partner, I stop and I breathe. I realize that I am disappointed with myself that I was not able to solve the problems within my relationship and to suppress the disappointment I am blaming my partner for all the problems and creating within the mind a feeling of disappointment with my partner; within this disappointment with my partner I create an idea in my mind that everybody else would be better then my partner and apart from this I project unto others all my wishful thinking and desires related to perfect relationship which I was not able to manifest within my current relationship; thus I stop "looking at the other side of the fence" and I work with what is here in the moment within my relationship.