The idea about the equilibrium mechanism came to me when I went out with friends one night to a disco. We have ordered a bottle of beer each, we have talked, danced a bit... you know... the usual stuff when you go out. After a while it was my turn to buy drinks so I ordered another bottle of beer. When I was about half the way with this 2nd bottle I could not drink it anymore. I was feeling full in my stomach and would be a big effort for me to finish it.
And then I started to think: "WTF... other people can drink 5 or even 10 bottles of beer in one night". And it was not a matter of the size of my stomach because normally I eat quite a big size meals ( in relation to my body size ). And then I realized that our body has a natural equilibrium mechanism but we ( humans ) can overwrite this mechanism and push through it. But of course there are consequences to it and it was easy for me to see it immediately.
First of all people who drink a lot of beer tend to have big belly hanging out. Of course the beer is not the only reason for it but it plays a big role in it because it contains a lot of calories itself. Anyway the conclusion out of my night out is that our body has a natural equilibrium and compensation mechanism and once we ignore it and push through the point ( especially over long period of time ) we will put our body under stress when it needs to cope with the shit ( e.g. beer ) that we put in it. All of this creates accumulative consequences within the body and with the time we come to the point when the body is getting sick and completely out of balance.
It is important to say that it is almost always possible to do something to bring back the balance within the body but the longer the body has been under stress and sick the more time and effort will be necessary to recover. And this is what I see with my clients and patients. As long as the person is ready to work towards establishing the balance which requires a lot of effort, self determination and patience ( and this is not so easy ) then it is possible to recover the balance and health. And of course the patient must be ready to work with the real causes of the problems instead of suppressing the symptoms.
To be continued...