This is the continuation of the previous article:
Thus let's continue about the doctors and treating the symptoms. Majority of the doctors in this world are the masters of suppression because what they are doing is that they prescribe painkillers and many other pills to deal only with the symptoms. So they give us the medicine to suppress the symptoms but they are not dealing with the real cause of the problem. And I guess majority of us had this experience when you go to see the doctor and in less then 5 min you are out of his office. You go with the back pain and you get a painkiller; you go with the headache and you get the painkiller etc. From the experience as a practitioner of alternative medicine I know that there are many different causes of back pain, headaches etc. and treating them with the painkiller is simply insanity and stupidity. But as we said this is treating the symptoms and not the cause.
Now... should we blame the doctors for it and prosecute them for not being responsible ?
This is not going to get us anywhere because the healthcare system is part of the global system and the entire matrix and it has been specifically designed this way together with the protection mechanism in the form of laws, regulations etc. But within this we may not forget that the doctors are only small part within creation of this system and thus we cannot blame them for everything. Apart from the doctors we also have here patients ( you and me ) as participants and co-creators, which form part of that system.
And guess what ? You and me are going to the doctors and believe them what they say and even if we complain and make jokes about the 5 min visit to the doctor we don't do anything to change it. We go to the doctor time after time and we take the pills - as they tell us - to treat the symptoms. Thus you see... you are ignorant, lazy and we could even say stupid because you know that it doesn't make you healthy but you continue to believe blindly in what the doctors say.
To be continued...