This is the continuation of the previous article:
Now... if you manage to establish the critical and basic element ( effective 2 way communication ) to functioning of the relationship you have a big chance to dismantle the mountain piece by piece until it is no more and save/reestablish your relationship. It may not be easy in the beginning but it is possible. And once you start removing the pieces of the mountains you will see the changes which will give you motivation to continue it. You will stop being annoyed by the presence of your partner, his/her voice etc. You will stop stupid discussions and fights about small things and instead you will try to find and apply constructive solutions which are best for your relationship and the whole world.
All of this is possible but there are some conditions. Both of you must stop suppressing the problems and pretend that all is good now and instead you must start working on the real causes of the problems and through this make the mountain smaller. You must be self honest and push yourself to face all of the fears that you have within you. This is not an easy or quick process, there are no shortcuts here but this is the only way to go.
Another important point is that even though your partner doesn't want to work with you on solving the problems together, don't fall into the same trap as many others do. I have heard many times from my friends saying that they are waiting for their partners to work with them and while they are waiting they are not doing anything themselves. This is the most common mistake that people do in the relationships. This is neither going to get you anywhere. Thus you should focus on what can be practically done in the moment by you and it should be executed. And don't pressure your partner to do the same. You let them decide for themselves and you start taking apart the mountain yourself. It would be much faster if both of you did it together but if you partner doesn't want to do it then at least do as much as you can do yourself. This may not be enough to save the relationship but at least you stop making the mountain even bigger and as a matter of fact you make it a little bit smaller.
If you read this article and you think that this is about you, then you are right. It is about you because exactly the same thing is happening to thousands if not millions of couples every day. I have observed it and investigated for many years and have seen always the same thing. And that's why I could recognize very quickly the symptoms of the mountain of problems which face my friends from the beach. My friends were on the edge of breaking their relationship but somehow they have managed to stay together and now they are working on solving their problems.
Thus remember that within the relationship comes a critical point when the mountain of problems has grown so much that you cannot take it anymore and you want to make a decision to finish it. On one hand you don't want to do it but at the same time it is impossible to live together anymore because of the constant fights, discussions etc. Don't take it personally but instead work on the real causes and through this you will be able to dismantle mountain. And once you learn how to dismantle the mountain you will not let it to grow so big ever again.
To be continued...