I wonder if I am ever going to win the Nobel Prize for presenting the solution to one of the biggest problems of humanity. Do you know how much abuse and pain is being done through pornography, prostitution etc.???
If you watch porn and websites with pictures of naked girls/boys, women/men to get yourself excited and masturbate, I wonder if you have ever asked yourself a question: "how the hell do the owners of the website get the pictures of these young and pretty girls ?".
Do you think that the girls are doing it free-willingly because this is their passion in life ? OK... we know that many of them receive money for it which could seem as "fair" exchange but what about if you are forced to do it because you have nothing to eat or you have to pay for life saving medicine for your family ? And what about those who are being forced to do it under the threat of being beaten up or even death to themselves or their family members ? Are you surprised or shocked to hear it ? Well... you shouldn't. It is done daily and simply you don't want to know about it. Anyway you may read about it more here: BUSINESS NEGOTIATION TECHNIQUES THAT YOU WILL NEVER LEARN IN HARVARD UNIVERSITY - PART 1
And thus every time you watch the website with porn you are supporting and agreeing to everything that the owners of the website do to get the girls to pose on the camera. Yes... it may seem at first that my approach to it is too extreme but unfortunately this is the fact - every time you go to the porn site you give more reason and motivation for the owner of it to continue to do what he is doing. It is so obvious and don't f...n argue with me about it. It is not my extreme approach to it. It is absolute fact.
To be continued...