This is the continuation of the previous article:
Now... this happened to me one time but I know that there are many people who are doing it frequently and unfortunately they create for themselves very serious consequences because it is putting a lot of stress on the digestive system and later on the whole body. Of course there is a special medicine which helps to treat with the symptoms of the bloated tummy but why should we use the medicine all the time ? The pills treat only the symptoms and they have quite often many side effects on the body which sooner or later will let you know about it with other complications and pains.
The best is always to treat the cause instead of the symptoms and the cause of the bloated tummy quite often lies in the wrong foods ( fuels ) that we put into our stomach ( engine ). Thus if you learn some fundamental basics about food then you will automatically have less problems with the gases in your tummy and farts. and for example if you eat protein heavy meal ( e.g. meat ) and afterwards you eat sweet ( desert ) then you are asking for a problems yourself. The reason for it is that sweets are being digested in the first part of the small intestine while the protein is must stay first for some time in the stomach and being treated with the acid. Thus if you eat sweet desert after heave protein meal, this desert will have to wait in the stomach together with the proteins and it will be fermenting there producing gases.
Many of you will probably say WTF... how can it be ? Everybody eats the dessert after the main meal and this is the rule and the tradition. First of all because the majority or everybody else does something it doesn't mean that they are right and you are wrong. Secondly this is not the rule of thumb. Some people have different stronger stomach and will not be affected at all while you will be very sick thus you have to test it for yourself and see if that is going to help you to reduce the gases in your tummy. But I will not be surprised if you see big improvement.
To be continued...