This is the continuation of the previous article:
Now... the reason for somebody to try to take on revenge doesn't have to be as strong as killing his whole family and destroying his house and whole life. As a matter of fact this could be also something small and insignificant but enough to hurt somebody to the point of wanting to take on a nasty revenge.
When I was a child there was a boy who came to me and he hit me out of nothing on the face with his fist - just like in the movies. I have chased after him to hit him back but he was to fast and I couldn't get him. I never got him back. I have met him many years later and we worked together as friends but even though I didn't want to hit him back anymore, I have held the memory within me and feeling some kind of disgust for what he did to me then.
Now... if I really wanted to take on the revenge when I met him many years later I would have to think a little bit differently on how to do it because he got bigger and much stronger then me. Thus I would have to ask somebody ( maybe my friends ) to help me. But as I said before I didn't want to do it and I only felt disguised for him.
Anyway even though this - what happened to me - is a small event on a local scale there is the same mind pattern behind it as the one which causes war. The war ( hitting me wit the fist on the face ) creates terrorist ( wanting to take on a revenge ). My friend ( USA ) is stronger then me thus I ( e.g. Muslim ) have to find a different way on taking the revenge on him. I cannot take on him ( USA ) directly because he is stronger then me thus I have to ask my friends to help me and if that is not possible I have to do it in a sneaky way through organizing bomb attack.
This is how human ego operates and it doesn't really matter what somebody does to you ( hitting you on a face as a child, dating a girl that you wanted to have for yourself, cheating with your wife, stealing something from you, talking shit behind your back etc. ). It may be big enough to hurt your ego to the point that you will want to take on a revenge and it all depends only on how determined you are.
It is all stupid and it is never ending vicious circle because if there is innocent by-stander who is being hurt while you take on the revenge, he may become next potential terrorist wanting to take on a revenge himself. And thus your action ( on a local scale ) may carry on a serious consequences for the whole world through the chain reaction involving more and more people ( innocent bystanders ) into it.
Violence will never create peace and only brings on more violence.
To be continued...