This is the continuation of the previous article:
For many people it can be too much and too difficult to understand and accept that what I am writing in these articles could be true. But the fact is that we hear often enough about the scandals within the church which confirms that the priests commit the same errors as other human beings and thus they are no different then you and me, they are not special messengers representing god, they are not chosen by god because if they were then it should be saying all about the god.
Thus remember that if it is too difficult for you to understand and accept the fact that priests are like other human beings who commit the same - if not more - errors ( abuse, greed etc. ) then the problem lies in your head. You simply don't want to see the reality and the reason for it is that you have created within your mind a belief that priests are special beings and this belief is like an energy veil in front of your eyes which makes you see the reality in distorted way or don't see the reality at all. You look at something but you don't see it. You see that somebody is abusing others but you don't act to stop it and you always find an excuse to justify it. It is all tricky because you are the one who has created this veil and placed it in front of your eyes and because you have done it yourself it is difficult for you to belief that you can be wrong. But the fact is the fact. Priests commit the same errors as other human beings and thus they cannot be chosen by god.
If the priests and the institution of church were really representing god and really doing what they are preaching for the last 2000 years ( love thy neighbor as thyself ) then we would have much better life on earth by now. But we don't. Thus what is the point of supporting it further ?
Remember... priests, pope and the church are not going to tell you free-willingly about all the crimes and abuses that they do because they are benefiting from it. They are protected by the laws and thus they will continue it. You are the one who can stop it and as a first step you must stop fooling and blinding yourself with the belief that they are special messenger sent by god and start looking at the facts and reality. And once you start seeing the reality then you will make decision what to do. If you see that the priest does what is best for all then you may support it but if you see that the priest lives in luxury while there are many people living in the poverty in his district then you should think if you should continue support for the priest. Maybe it would be better that you rather give the money directly to the poor ones instead of the priest. If your children say or indicate that somebody might have abused them sexually, don't ignore and don't blind yourself with the belief that your priest is saint and he would never do it. Investigate it and do all that is necessary to prevent and stop the abuse. I don't want to say that all the priests are abusers. I only want to say that they are neither saints nor messengers chosen by god and there are many priests who abuse others and if you don't stop them then you are equally responsible for all the abuse that they commit.