This is the continuation of the previous article:
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that fear is an illusion created in my mind and thus it is not real; I only believe that it is real because I have separated myself from it and I have allowed myself to believe that somebody else more powerful then me has created it.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that fighting with my fear is not effective and I will never win because fear is my creation ( it is me ) and thus I cannot fight myself and win with myself; thus the only effective way to deal with the fear is to realize that it is my own creation, stop denying it, stop insisting that it is real and stop creating it.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that my belief that I must get stronger to be able to overcome the fear is not effective at all for this simple reason that my fear is my own creation in my mind and thus whenever I get stronger, I will create more fear in "stronger" and more effective way; thus whenever I will face my fear again I will perceive as stronger then me, I will step back to gain more strength and through this I will be trapped in the never ending game of infinite cycles of time.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am too weak to deal with my fears without realizing that this is another belief which traps me in the prison within my mind; I forgive myself also that I have not allowed myself to realize that through my belief that I am too weak I participate in the game of polarities of weak and strong which furthers traps me within it.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to deny the fact that I am the creator of my fear and my belief that I am too weak or blaming others for it, indicates only that I don't want to take responsibility for my creation and thus in this way I trap myself within it because I become inferior to my fear instead of realizing that I am one and equal with it.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that my fear is an illusion which I create within the mind and the mind needs continuous supply of energy to maintain and create continuously this fear; this energy is being extracted from my body and the more energy I use the more energy needs to be extracted from my body; and through this my body becomes depleted in resources which are being used up to created the energy and becomes sick and eventually it dies much quicker then it would normally do; thus through creation of my fear I am abusing and killing my body.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that fear is not real and is an illusion created within the mind; but even though it is an illusion it creates consequences which are real because to create an illusion I use the physical resources of my body which becomes depleted, sick and eventually it dies because of it.
To be continued...