This is the continuation of the previous article about the process of self development withing the relationship
Another point... It is also possible - and this will happen at this phase of the process of humanity much more often then what I was describing in the previous paragraph - that your partner will not want to advance himself/herself but he/she will deliberately make everything possible to slow you down and stop your process completely because of their own resistances and fears thus if you see it then don't be afraid to let them go. First of all you will be able to advance yourself much faster and secondly your partner will go through experiences - it may be sometimes quite shocking and drastic - which will open their eyes and then they will have the opportunity to decide to enter the process of birthing themselves to life. This may take some time ( sometimes even decades or the rest of their live ) but the most important in this moment is that everybody starts to wake up and enter the process of birthing themselves into life. Whether you decide in this moment to continue your relationship is all up to you but I know that if your partner is not yet ready to learn anything from you and do his/hers process while being in the relationship with you and despite of this you insist and persist that they follow you, than it may all end up really nasty for you because than they may try to destroy you ( out of fear ) and this will really slow down unnecessary your own process, theirs and through this also for the whole humanity. Make the decision on what is best for all and if you see that your partner is not ready then simply let them go.
One more point to consider... in the beginning phases of the relationship or if you are in the long term relationship and you are just starting the process it may seem that you are going really going slow because of your partner and you will want to stop the relationship. But don't make this decision too quick and be a little bit patient because it is possible that you and your partner will need to adjust and realign yourself with each other - which may be a little bit uncomfortable and difficult - but after the initial phase the whole relationship will take off and both of you will be able to move much faster in the process rather then going on your own. And at the same time you will enjoy your companion and relationship much more then ever before.
Thus - as you can see - your own process will not always be slower just because you are in the relationship and your partner is not in the process yet. It is important to take always into the consideration and make the decisions based on the principle of what is best for all. We are all part humanity and this planet and those who are going faster through their own process must support and assist others. Sometimes they must slow down a little bit so that others may also make it through and this way humanity may benefit as a whole. We may not allow anybody to stay behind. The only exception is only when somebody consciously turns against life and with fury does everything possible to destroy it. In this case we must all unite and do everything possible to stop them and neutralize them from making harm.