This is the continuation of the previous article about crimes committed by Stalin, Hitler and other dictators.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge Stalin and Hitler as bad people, as evil etc. without knowing them personally, without knowing who they really are, without knowing all the reasons why they have committed all the crimes and murders.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that everything in this world is interconnected and thus the personality of Stalin, Hitler and other dictators are is also connected with everything that is existent in this world; thus they are not the only ones who are responsible for all the crimes and murders but the whole humanity as we are all interconnected.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that through my ignorance, inaction and irresponsibility I allow existence of murder, crime and abuse in this world and thus I am equally responsible with Stalin, Hitler and other dictators for all the suffering, murder and crime which they commit.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fool myself into believing that I am not responsible for all the crimes in this world committed by the all dictators and this way I justify my inaction.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that personality of Stalin, Hitler and other dictators committing crimes and murders is simply the manifestation of most prominent thoughts, beliefs, feelings, judgments etc. accumulated and existent in the minds of all people in the whole world; thus every time I have thoughts of abuse, crime, murder etc., every time I give my energy to it and I act in this matter ( also on a "local level" towards insects, animals and other people ), every time I participate in it, I add energy to it and once this energy adds to and accumulates together with the energy of other people, then it reaches a critical point, mass when it manifests itself in the physical world; thus personality of Stalin, Hitler and other dictators is just example of how this energy manifests itself in the world. Thus I am equally responsible for all the abuse in this world because I have given my energy to it together with other people.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that if all my thoughts and actions together with other people reflect the principle of what is best for all, then the personality of Stalin, Hitler and other dictators committing crimes and mass murders will never manifest itself in this world. The current state of our world shows us clearly that those thoughts and actions still exist in our world and they manifest themselves and we may not deny it no matter what.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that if I want to stop abuse, crime and murder committed by the dictators in this world, I must stop my participation in creation of it and start to create the world which follows the principle of what is best for all; every action in the outside world to stop the abuse without correcting it also within me and other people ( as creators of it ) will never bring the permanent change; we may only correct it ( suppress it ) temporarily but sooner or later it will manifest itself within the world again simply because me and other people will recreate it.