We are afraid of some animals in this world and sometimes this fear is very extensive. Just a single thought about the snake, shark or spider can bring on quite a strong reaction within a human being.
But do we really have a reason to fear them ? If we look for example at the statistics about the shark attacks around the world most of us if not all will have their jaws falling in the floor. In 1 year there are only few fatal shark attacks in the whole world. Look at this link 1580-2011 Map of World's Confirmed Unprovoked Shark Attacks (N=2,463). Seriously... the yearly average for fatal shark attacks in the whole world is less than 10 attacks. There are few more incidents when people are being bitten by the shark but they survive and in the end it is much less than we think. We have enormous fear about them which drives us to kill 100 of millions of sharks every year.
This is just one example of great injustice that people do to animals because of their fear which is not real. And this shows that even though the sharks look a little bit scary they are not as dangerous as we think.
On the other hand we have humans who are apparently the most intelligent species on this planet and don't look as scary as the sharks but yet they are the ones who are causing more harm and devastation than all the dangerous animals taken together. Look at what we are doing in this world and then think if you really should fear the animals ?
You have probably never thought about it ? Neither I did until today. But this is the fact. There are more dangerous humans on this planet than there are dangerous animals.
To be continued...