These last two articles:
about positive people are based on my investigations and personal experiences over the years. And in this article today I will share with you about my latest experience with the positive and spiritual person.
Thus I had a conversation with a spiritual person and during this conversation I have asked about physical proof and evidence that the predictions regarding 2012 are true. According to this person there should be a "jaw dropping" ( including catastrophes bigger then tsunami in Japan in 2011 ) events in the world around the 21st of March and also between the 20th and 6th of June 2012. Anyway during the conversations I have questioned the validity of those predictions and also the so called "I have the feeling that something big will happen". It was a reasonably long conversation because we have talked for about 2 hours and have asked for a proof and clear evidence. Of course he was defending it and also telling me that it will happen later in time. Maybe yes maybe not. I know myself that the situation in our world is getting worse and thus I can see for myself a possible outflow of the events in the world in the near future, which in a way we could also call the prediction.
Anyway there was an interesting moment during the conversation. I was firm with asking for evidence and at one moment I started to smile. It was the breaking point. This positive person exploded in anger and fury. He stood up, smashed the table together with a glass vase on it and started to shout and scream. And here came 2 interesting points:
1. The smile - I was not laughing at the person at all but yet it was interpreted it this way and this was the trigger point. This is not the first time I have had this kind of situations and I am still investigating this point about the smile. But from what I understand so far, I would say that the smile indicates that during our conversation we have started to access and bring to the surface points that have been suppressed and we have started to expose the ego and its illusions. If this person had realised that together with me, faced it and transformed it in that moment, than most probably we would smile together. But because the person didn't want to face it and transform it and instead decided to defend it, he interpreted my smile as provocative, disrespectful and making him a loser and lesser then me. Thus he exploded in anger and fury and he tried to make himself look bigger by screaming and shouting at me, and breaking the table with force to show that he is stronger than me. All of it is nothing else but the self-defence of ego. Even though this person has not transformed this point in the moment, he will still have a chance to do it later in time and then he will laugh at it. But anyway we will see it later.
2. The stillness - this was interesting. I was in the middle of the storm ( anger, fury, violence, screaming, shouting, he was trying to make me feel guilty ) and yet I was in complete stillness and peace. I was aware of my breath and I had no reaction whatsoever. I knew that I was simply exposing the illusion of the ego and nothing else. I did not see myself as better than this person. I did not try to prove that I am better. I did not try to prove that he is less than me. I was simply (t)here.