I have a friend who has found himself in an extremely difficult financial situation. And even though he tried to get some help wherever he could ( including government ) he has been left on his own with very little money to survive. And now everything is on the edge. His house may be taken from him any moment because he hasn't paid his mortgage for 4 months already, water and electricity has been cut off by the companies who don't give shit about his situation. He has sent email and called the customer service many time trying to explain his situation but they simply hang up the phone on him. He had no choice but to ask somebody to connect water and electricity illegally. But this not going to help for long because the next time the companies do the check up on the meters, he will be faced with hefty fine for criminal offence of robbery. I only hope that when that happens, he will have a chance to present his case to the judge and maybe he or she will understand his helpless situation.
Now... what will happen with his house ? The bank will take it from him and try to sell it on the auction to get their money. And even though they sell it cheaper than the real market value of the house they will most probably still make a good profit on it because the amount of mortgage that is left to be paid is relatively small. To make it clear the profit from the sale of the house by the bank on the auction will not go to my friend at all. The profit will stay in the bank. And there is also one fucked up point in this whole situation. My friend lives in Spain and even though the bank sells the house and makes the profit on it, he will still be left with the mortgage which he will have to pay off for the rest of his life. There is a law which states that banks are not obliged to cancel the debt after selling the house of a person who is not able to pay the mortgage. Thus my friend will be left without the house, with 2 children and he is raising them alone because his wife abandoned him and the children and still he will have to pay the mortgage. Pretty fucked up.... isn't it ?
Now... let's move and investigate the future of the house. Once the bank takes over the house it will try to sell it on the auction. And whoever gives the best price, will get the house. It is very possible that the buyer of the house will be very proud at himself that he got the house at such a cheap price. He will invite friends and make the party to celebrate it. And maybe he will even make a prayer and go to the church to thank god for it. Unfortunately this is the most possible development of the whole situation.
- Why do I say unfortunately ?
- Because all of it is an abuse and causing suffering to other beings.
- How ?
The buyer is only interested to buy the house at the cheapest possible price. And this is the only thing that interests him. He doesn't investigate why this house is being sold at such a cheap price. He doesn't know that through buying the house he will contribute that my friend and his daughters will be in even more difficult financial situation than they are now. Not knowing it is not the excuse at all. We all know that we live in the times of crisis and many people struggle to survive. We also know that the houses that are being sold at auction by the banks used to belong to somebody who was not able to pay the mortgage. Thus the buyer should have made the effort to investigate more thoroughly the situation and to find out about the owner ( my friend in this situation ) to make sure that the owner is not going to left on the street with no means to survive. But the buyer doesn't do it because he is interested to buy the house as cheap as possible and he is not interested in the situation of my friend. But as I said before, not knowing - and especially not knowing because you don't want to know - is not an excuse and thus you are the abuser.
Every one of us is responsible for everything that we do in this world. We are responsible for what we do with the money that we have. Thus if you buy the house at the bank auction from repossession while there is even slightest chance that somebody will suffer through it, you are responsible for the suffering, you are the abuser and it is not excusable.
I forgive myself that have not allowed myself to realise that every time I spend money and buy something I create and put in motion certain flow of events and thus I am responsible for all the consequences of that flow of events.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realise that whenever I buy a house at the auction from the bank repossessions without fully investigating why this house is being sold at the auction then I am responsible for all the consequences of it; thus if the owner of the house is being left homeless on the street, then I am responsible for all the suffering that the owner of the house is experiencing together with his family because they don't have the place to live.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realise that not knowing what is happening with the owner of the house which is being sold at the auction, is not an acceptable excuse which we would remove the responsibility from me for the suffering of the owner of the house I have just bought.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realise that not knowing and not wanting to know about the consequences which outflow from spending the money by me, it's not an acceptable excuse which will weave the responsibility from me for the suffering caused by it.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realise that every time I spend money in a way which is not best for all I create consequences and suffering and I am fully responsible for it.