So... you are in the army. You were either forced to do it as a part of obligatory service in your country or you have made this decision yourself and you do it as a job. I know that there are people who simply want to be soldier because this is their dream - somehow they want to be a hero. But majority of the people in the army - whether they have made this decision as a free choice or they have been forced to do it - hope that they would not have to go to war. But unfortunately this doesn't depend on hope. And when there is a war, you have to go. And once you are there on the frontline you will have to shoot the gun and most probably you will kill people or they will kill you.
Many people have moral issues about killing others but yet they have to do it because these are the orders of their general. And here is the question. Our soldiers responsible and accountable for killing even though they just follow the orders ?
The answer is straightforward and very clear. Yes... they are responsible for it. In the moment of killing other people while being in the war zone you are just following the orders of the general and thus it seems as if you were not responsible for it - at least that's what you are being taught and brainwashed while you are in the army. You must follow the orders even though you think that the general makes a mistake. And if you don't do it then you are fucked. But you may not forget one thing. You have made the decision to go to the army. If you have made this decision free willingly then it is obvious. But even though you were forced to go to the army, you are still responsible. First of all you could have said "no". You would probably go to the prison then but at least you would not have to kill. And secondly you could have done something to prevent the war in the first place. I know that you want to say that you are small and insignificant to do something like this. But you see... this is just an excuse. If everybody stopped saying that they are small and insignificant and they would unite in one group, then this group would not be anymore small and insignificant. If this group was big enough, then it would have enough power to make decision on the political scene and change the constitution.
The number one reason for war is money and greed. Thus if we made appropriate changes in the constitution and economic system so that everybody has abundance of money and resources necessary to secure respectful life without fear of survival, then we would have eliminated immediately the reason for war.
Thus you see... You have accepted the belief that you are small and insignificant, you have given up before you even started doing anything and you just follow the current system. Thus you give your power away to small group of beings who are in power and they oblige you to go to the army. You accept it because you are afraid of the consequences if you break the law formulated by those few beings who are in power and are obsessed with money and greed etc. And you are fucked.
But at least you'll know now that you are always responsible. Stop trying to find excuses and justify your actions. We all know that killing is insane. If you ever have doubts, take a breath and make a decision which is best for all. Stop fucking with yourself by obeying the orders. It is better that you rather fuck your general by not obeying his insane orders of killing others.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am not responsible for killing other people if I follow the orders of the general.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realise that following the orders of the general is the consequences of me giving my power of making decision away to the general in the first place. And thus no matter what I am responsible for killing. L
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am small and insignificant to be able to make the change in the world in the form of Equal Money System so that there is no more economical reasons for war.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realise that I am also responsible for killing going on in the frontline of the war even though I am sitting at home and I am not a soldier; because I have allowed the existence of system which supports war for economical benefits and profit and I have given up on creating a system which would support life because I have accepted a belief that I am too small and too insignificant to change anything.
P.S. By the way you ( soldier ) are not the only one responsible for the killing that is going on in the frontline of the war zone. Myself and everybody else sitting safely at home and watching TV are as much responsible for it as you are. Firstly we could have formed all together a group which could have made a change that I was writing above and prevent the war in the first place. And secondly the war that is going on in the physical world is just a mere reflection of the war that is going on in our minds. And this energy generated in our minds, accumulates from every single person in the world and later if manifests itself on a global scale. You may find out about it more in details once you participate in the course ( Desteni I Process) provided by Desteni Group.