Before you continue reading this article let's make a little exercise. Take a piece of paper and write down who do you think is to be blamed that we have relationships based on money ? Please don't read this article until you write down the answer:
1. First point - if you ever blame anybody for anything, you have a problem. Because if you blame anybody or anything for what is happening to you it means that you have separated yourself from a problem, you have given away your power to some external elements ( people, sytems etc. ), you deny that you have created the problem, that you are the cause of it and thus you will never be able to direct it and change it. Thus never blame anybody for anything. Take the responsibility for it yourself in this way you will be able to direct it and change it much easier.
2. Second point - if you have written some names as I've asked you before you continue reading this article and you are not on the list yourself then you have a big problem again.
Most probably you want to say: "wow... wait a second... that's a little bit too much... don't blame me for this.... I have a wonderful wife who I love and I would never marry her for money". If you say something like this or something similar then you have another problem because you have no clue and no idea whatsoever how this world functions.
Remember how I have told you in one of the previous articles that the reason why people make decisions about relationships based on money is because of the lack of money in our system and the fear of survival. Thus answer my question now: Who has created money system ?, Who accepts it the way it is ? Who allows it to exist and continue to exist ? Who talks a lot that the system is unfair and it needs to be changed but doesn't do anything about it ? Who is utilising the system for own comfort and benefits at the cost of others who are slaves to those who have money? Thus you see... You are one little drop in the ocean but still you are supporting the system consciously and unconsciously which puts other people at that point where they make decisions about relationships based on money.
I know... most probably you want to give me hundreds of excuses and the main one will be: what can I do alone against such a big system ? Well... here we have the problem. I agree with you. You are one little drop in the ocean and it would be extremely difficult or even impossible to change the system just by yourself but this doesn't give you the right to give up right in the beginning and do nothing about it. Imagine that if every drop in the ocean just like you and me did something to change the system, then we would have changed the system already long time ago. Thus this is not an excusable excuse.
There is one point that I would like to clarify before the end. I have ask you the question in the beginning: who is to be blamed for the whole situation with the relationships for money ? In reality it is not about to blame. It is about understanding that each one of us is creating the current system by participating in it and allowing it to exist. And thus stop denying this obvious fact, take responsibility for it because without it you will never be able to change anything.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realise that I am responsible for the creation and the existence of the current economic system which lacks money and brings people to the point of making decisions about relationships based on money because of the fear of survival.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to belief that I am small, insignificant, powerless and helpless and that I can do nothing to change the current economic system.
Forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to deny the fact that I am responsible for the creation and existence of the current economic system through my participation in it without consideration of what is best for all.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame others for the creation and existence of the current economic system which lacks money.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realise that every time I blame others for the creation and existence of the current economic system, I create the point of separation and because of this point of separation I will never be able to direct it or change anything because I'm not taking responsibility for it.
To be continued...