I woke up this morning and I was doing my breathing exercises - the famous 4 count breath taught by Desteni. I try not to get out of my bed unless I make 10 breaths without any thought whatsoever and with absolute attention on my breathing. Maybe it seems for your very simple but don't jump up so quickly into conclusion and judgment until you try to do it yourself. Sometimes it takes me even 1 hr before I succeed. But I am making progress and reducing the time significantly.
Anyway... why am I was doing this breathing I had this realisation: no matter how much somebody loves me and no matter how much they want to help me, nobody in the world can do it for me. I am the only person who can make it happen because nobody can make me being aware of my breathing. Nobody can make to stop thinking and participating in the mind. There is neither magic pill nor any medicine which could help me to be aware of my breathing and stopping the thoughts. There is no-politician that can help me to do it. Not even Jesus Christ or god.
I have mentioned politician because when I was breathing it came to me that we belief and hope that somebody will come and fix the mess in our world. But this mess is like the breathing. We ( humanity ) have created it and allowed this mess to exist. It was not Jesus who made it. It was us. And it is the same with the awareness of breathing. There is nobody out there who stops me from being aware of my breathing. I allow it, I am responsible for it and only me can fix it.
There is nobody out there who makes the mess in the world. It is us ( humans ). We allow it, we create it, we are responsible for it and only we can fix it. Thus our belief that Jesus will come and save us is unreal. Thus our belief that our politicians will fix for us is also unreal. Each and every single one of us has to make an effort and clean the mass as much as they can until it is all done. But at the same time we are going to be much more effective if we work as a group and politics may also be used as an effective way to bring on the change.
I forgive myself that they have accepted and allowed myself to hope that Jesus would come and save us from our misery.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hope and believe that politicians will make the change in the world.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give my power and responsibility of fixing the world to politicians and Jesus Christ.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame others for making the mess in the world and at the same time I have accepted the belief that I can do nothing to change it and thus I have given up.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realise that the power to change the world lies within me and unless I stop hoping and believing that somebody else would do it for me, then not much will change.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to ignore the importance of the awareness of breathing in relation to world problems.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realise that the real power to change the world lies within every single breath because if I am aware of my thoughts in every single breath then I am aware of my creations and so breath by breath I will create only what is best for all and this way I will make the real change in the world.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realise that if I create the world which is best for all within my sphere of influence with the awareness in every single breath, then I will not need to hope that politicians or Jesus Christ will save me from the misery and the dire straits conditions in this world.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realise that participations in the politics and supporting and voting for the system which is best for all is equally important with the awareness of breath in the creation of the world that is best for all.